Compatible Fish

Last update: June 29, 1999

After you go to all the trouble of setting up and aquascaping a nice planted tank, it's foolish to add fish that are not plant compatible. Many fish, especially cichlids, either eat plants or play with them. Either way, it's very frustrating. Here are a few of our favorite fish.

Many people wonder if discus
are OK in a plant tank or vice
versa. Yes, Virginia, plants do
just fine in warmer water and
lower general hardness.

Our discus tank is 84 F and
about 2 dGH. Only a few
plants known to like cold
water don't do well. Most
common plants found in fish
stores do just fine although
same may need acclimating.

The photo above is of a
mature turquiose discus. She
spawned many times in the
tank but once the fry were
free-swimming, they became
snacks for the other discus.

The photo at right is the same
turquiose at a younger age
along with a "Royal" turquoise.

"The gang's all here!"

Left to right: a young
turquiose, a captive bred
"wild type", a Ken Reeves
Striated Red, a turquoise,
a royal turquoise and one
more wild type.

Australian and New Guinea
Rainbowfish are excellent
in plant tanks. Besides having
almost salt-water-like colors,
they are active and sociable.

Shown here is a "Yellow",
M. herbertaxelrodi and two
"Turquoise", M. lacustris. A
Chilantherina bleheri tail
is on the far right and a female
M. bosemani is the smaller
fish to the left.

Melanotaenia splendide is on
the left, then C. bleheri,
M. lacustris, a Glossilepsis
male on top, and part
of a male M. bosemani on the
Ah, yes, the ubiquitous Angel
Fish, also known as Angle
Fish in the newsgroups. We
like the standard colors but
there are plenty of other morphs
to choose from.

We had 8 to start with, but
once a pair formed, the other
six were forced to hide in the
plants. Plan for this.